Lover’s Leap

Lovers Leap

This name describes quite a few places in the United States and around the world for that matter. However, the photo above is a view from Lover’s Leap on JEB Stuart Highway in Patrick County Virginia.

Went to Stuart Virginia yesterday with my friends Mike and Judy to restock on some coffee from the Honduras Coffee Company. Well worth the drive just for the coffee, but what’s a day trip without a little exploring!

I don’t know the exact mileage, but to get to Lover’s Leap from Stuart head west on Highway 58 approximately 20 minutes. You will come to a small gravel area on the right to pull off. It’s probably better and safer to go a little further down to a paved parking area just beyond the overlook. Either way, you will have to watch out for traffic because you will have to walk to the overlook located on the side of the road.

Unfortunately we missed peak color by about a week or so. Even then I heard it wasn’t a show stopper this year. ~MB

All images © Matt Bennett Photography

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