Box Turtle

Found this box turtle perched on a rock in one of my flower gardens a few months back. ~MB

Photographic Notes:
Nikon D90 with 18-200 mm VR 3.5-5.6 lens. All images © Matt Bennett Photography.

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2 thoughts on “Box Turtle

  1. And I have woodpeckers in my teeny tiny garden in the middle of Greensboro.

    I found a huge Eastern box turtle in the middle of a road this past summer near Warrenton (probably about 12 years old, a biologist friend surmised). He absolutely didn’t want to be picked up and moved to the other side where he was heading (I was afraid that a car would run over him). It was like trying to wrestle a cow – he spun, he scrambled, he did everything he could to dissuade me. I finally got him into the creek near the road.

    Yours looks a lot friendlier.

  2. Karen, I’m glad you were able to save that turtle from getting run over. Speaking of woodpeckers, I live here in the city and heard a Pileated Woodpecker in the woods behind my house. I’d love to get a photo of one, but they are very elusive!

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