Carolina Raptor Center – Part 2

Red-shouldered hawk at the Carolina Raptor Center

A red-shouldered hawk poses for a presentation at the Carolina Raptor Center. Their speed and power is nothing short of amazing. It was pretty awesome to get to see this bird up close and personal.

Strong Hands

One thing I learned was that in addition to their sharp talons, they actually have incredible grip strength in their feet enabling them to squeeze their prey to death. The presenter said it was somewhere in the range of 400–600 psi or pounds per square inch of pressure. In comparison, eagles and great horned owls have somewhere in the range of about 750 psi.

Hawk at the Carolina Raptor Center

Hawks of course have incredible eye sight. I remember someone on one of the PBS shows several years ago saying that these birds could see the face on a quarter from approximately 50 yards away.

Finding Injured Birds

If you find an injured raptor, you can call the Carolina Raptor Center at 704-875-6521. ~MB

 All images © 2014 Matt Bennett Photography

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